3. Things That Men Have Said to Me

As the title suggests, this song consists of things that men have said to me. I have not made up any of the things in the song! However I have intentionally arranged the phrases for comic effect and to tell a story. Reframing negative experiences and integrating them into a song has allowed me to have some control over my own narrative, allowing me to reclaim, recontextualise and reframe the things that men have said to me.

The simple four-chord, repetitive progression allows the song to be added to and adapted, and is intended to be an open format - I would encourage others to make their own songs based on their own experiences.

Further Resources

Bratich, J. (2019) ‘From Pick-Up Artists to Incels: Con(fidence) Games, Networked Misogyny, and the Failure of Neoliberalism’.

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